Two-Year Post Hurricane Harvey Update Click Here
As of February 2018
Hurricane Harvey Impacts- Fact Sheet (Aransas County- Rockport, Fulton, Lamar)
Since the eyewall of Hurricane Harvey struck on August 25, 2017 life has been anything but normal here along the Texas Gulf-Coast. Listed below are some key facts and figures that highlight the challenges we face. Yet, with all the issues our community has endured the last three (3) months we are resilient, determined and committed to nothing less than full and complete recovery!
We estimate 350-400 families are displaced without homes. In addition, we know that many families are currently “doubled up” staying with family and friends. Many “second home” condo owners are living elsewhere as those facilities received major damage.
Six (6) Apartment complexes totaling some 400 rental units, many of which were Section 8 housing, are closed or destroyed.
Our largely Tourism based economy is dependent on adequate supply of workforce housing.
75% of households in Aransas County have insurance coverage, however, the numbers applying for FEMA Assistance was among the highest in our area- over 13,000.
Prior to the storm there were 9,228 structures on the County Tax roles. After the storm, 1,002 were destroyed. 2,261 received major damage and 3,000 received minimal damage. In total 26% of the County tax base was lost.
Estimates show Aransas County (total acreage 256.2 square miles) has over 2.8 Million Cubic Yards of debris on the ground. The State of Texas had an estimated 11.4M cubic yards of debris. Aransas County had at least 10% of the total debris for the entire State of Texas! Note: It takes 30,000 cubic yards of debris piled 20ft. high to consume 1 acre of land.
Early reports from the South Texas Economic Development Center estimates capital loss for Aransas County at $812 Million in residential and $134 Million for business. Rockport sustained $446 Million and Fulton $59 Million.
483 businesses out of a pre-storm total of 1,300 are open. That means over 800 are currently undergoing repairs or are closed!
500 Hotel rooms/rentals/B&Bs are available. Prior to Harvey there were 1,700 rooms an estimated loss of 1,100.
$100 Million annually ($275,000 daily) in tourism spending is lost revenue until we are fully back on line.
Four nursing homes/assisted living centers combined employing some 350 people were closed after the storm and displacing 300 nursing home residents. Several nursing homes are currently receiving major repairs and should open in April.
Both Rockport and Fulton Post Offices received severe facility damage. The mail is running with reduced services.
Local Tourism sites that were destroyed or undergoing major repairs include Aquarium (Destroyed), Big Blue Crab (Destroyed), Beach Band shell (Destroyed), Rockport Center for the Arts (Destroyed but open in new location on Austin St.), Texas Maritime Museum (Roof Damage to parts), Bay Education Center (Damaged), Saltwater Pavilion and Beachfront Pavilion at Rockport, Fulton Pier and Paws & Taws Fulton Convention Center (Heavily Damaged and now torn down), Goose State Park was heavily damaged and has just now done a limited opening for public visitors.
Governmental Offices destroyed and heavily damaged include the Aransas County Courthouse, Appraisal District and Rockport City Hall.
20 Church facilities received damage and are meeting in limited or alternative spaces until repairs can be completed.
Rockport Country Club (18 hole Golf Course) lost many trees and the clubhouse facilities are receiving major repairs. The course is now open. The Key Allegro Marina facilities was also heavily damaged.
The County reported to Rebuild Texas losses (for categories requested) an estimate of $578 Million.
In closing, the Long-Term Recovery effort will be guided by a plan and will take time. We estimate 3-5 years. Because our leadership team is committed to doing things right. Our desire is to serve as a model effort for the State and Nation to see. Our goal is nothing less than full and complete recovery! By the number of calls, donors and assistance from so many around the country we are encouraged and lifted by such an amazing outpouring of compassion and concern.
Source: City of Rockport Mayor's Letters, Chamber of Commerce, Dr. Jim Lee, TAMU CC Economist