Fishing/Hunting Guides
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June 2021 - Important News Release - Cedar Bayou Restrictions
Public Fishing Aransas County Navigation District Harbor Master, Keith Barrett states “Fishing is phenomenal Even those people who are not fishing from a boat have been reporting better than average catches.” Barrett says,
Barrett says, “Fishing is easy on the wallet and a great way to break away from the electronic world. Record numbers of Drum, Trout and Redfish have been caught in our local waters. The harbors and marinas of the Rockport-Fulton area are well-maintained by the Aransas County Navigation District.
“We have made great strides in building back our launch sites after Hurricane Harvey,” states Harbormaster Keith Barrett. The most active boat launch site is Cove Harbor Marina accounting for 75 percent of all boat launches. . The majority of the launch sites are maintained by the Aransas County Navigation District. Those sites are: Copano Causeway Ramp and Boat Launch, Rockport Beach Park, Fulton Harbor and Cove Harbor Marina. Other public and private sites are available as well
Remember ... you must have a fishing license and a salt water stamp to go fishing and crabbing. For more information call 1-800-242-0071.